Wasted Time

Wasted time

I wasted a lot of my time

I threw away so many opportunities for people and just wasted a whole lot of fucking time

I missed a midterm to drop someone off or i should say attend an event and even though i was dropping out the class i would have still tried to pass and finish the class

I’ve wasted money and resources for people who didn’t deserve it

Now i’m the deserving one, i deserve it as much as the next person 

Also wasted my time being friends with people that had no vision for themselves until i came along and once they received their visions and they’re done draining you, they leave you out to dry and die. I’ve seen it happen way too many times. It’s interesting because people will shit on everything you got going on but be the first ones to do it. It’s funny cuz they do it in private, hoping you never find out. 

I was in school for about 2 and a half and I had so many people in my ear explaining why they hated school or that they would never enrol. I am not an advocate for extensive studies but I am advocate for doing a course, apprenticeship, just any type of schooling for the field you want to get into. I believe youtube and practice can definitely get you there but i feel like if you’re really passionate about something then you will have to study it as much as you can. It shouldn’t feel like a chore but it should definitely feel like you’re enriching your vocabulary, like you’d want to know everything, as much as you can. Like obviously its not everyone that wanna become a doctor or wtv but even if you wanna become a God knows what, you need a lil course or wtv.

I am happy I was able to influence some people but I feel like I invested too much time in others and none on myself. There is nothing bad with going to school but I feel like it gets bad when folks drain you while they come up. I also will say that we need to stop giving our energy to these people which is what I did and my glow is coming back. 

I can really sit there and say it’s everybody else’s fault but honestly I gotta start working and doing now.