Some relationships are really beyond the physical.
I used to think logically about certain connections until I realised that the connection/ bond is definitely above us. Sometimes God puts people on your path to learn, grow and gain multiple experiences. Some connections are meant to challenge you, they are meant to be experienced as much as we try to fight it.
We fast and pray that God removes the bond but God keeps showing us that that bond we “don’t want” wants us and we’re the only ones in the way of making it something special. I feel like once dreams are involved multiple times then clearly it’s not just your subconscious trying to make sense of it. I don’t even think the dreams are dreams, I think they are straight up astral travels.
I’ve woken up from dreams before and said wtf did i just dream about but ive also woken up from prophetic dreams and those dreams were different, the feelings were still present when I woke up, almost like it was real/ felt real. The love, the air, the comfort were still felt on the wake up. You’d think it’s your subconscious and your making it all up but then realise that the other party felt the same way.
Ever since I found out that things manifest in the spiritual realm before the physical. I started looking at my “dreams” as something we both wanted subconsciously and when it finally manifested in the physical then it was the real deal.
One way it manifested in the physical was through numbers and letters. I would see a specific pattern of recurring numbers that were prominent throughout the day. I could be away from my phone and boom I’d see those number sequences. I could be looking at a licence plate and those numbers would come up. Since the spiritual wasn’t enough to bring us back, the physical was the only thing left to bring the union back together.
He started manifesting himself digitally, I couldn’t escape him. He was the one person occupying my mind 24/7. I know the difference between a one sided obsession and a mutual obsession and that was definitely mutual.
This is funny because we both tried to run away from the connection, we both tried to sabotage it because we didn’t understand. I never understood it and still don’t. I never understood why he needed to be in my life. I went through so many emotions and feelings with him that I was ready to give up at multiple instances. This reunion makes me realise that I have to surrender. I gotta just let go and let God teach me whatever he needs me to learn.
I used to think i was crazy, i used to think it was all me and i was the one making it up but honestly i’m done resisting. I just want to flow and experience this new level. I’m praying over it daily because I do not want to repeat the same mistakes and patterns. I want newness and I want to be able to meet a new person in him and myself.