Relationship With Religion

I grew up in multiple churches, starting with my mother being roman catholic and my dad being protestant, celeste etc. we grew up in a very religious household. I would say we followed the Bible pretty well to the point where that’s all we did to the tea. (I am gonna be honest, I always followed but my heart was never in it. It always felt like a relationship with God was direct and not through a priest or a pastor. ) but we continued going and at the time I was a kid so it never really crossed my mind to think for myself. I thought everything presented to me was that no if’s or but’s, just that. But another part of me always felt like God existed but not the way they were presenting him to us. I always felt like there was a disconnect with religion and spirituality (your relationship with self and God)

I always felt like people looked for answers outside of themselves instead of within. 

I was speaking to a friend about this and she mentioned how parents act at church vs how they act at home. When they’re at home they tend to be very hostile, snappy, mad but at church they pull all the dramatic antics such as yelling, jumping, running and “being touched” by the holy spirit… What made us really start talking about all this was how people in religion tend to be religious but do not have a personal relationship with God. In a sense they believed in the words of their pastor more than the actual word of God. People in the church tend to go to a prophet for validation, for questions etc. You can kinda relate this to people that constantly seek mediums, astrologists etc. You’re putting all your faith in the middle man but what’s funny is that God listens to us and answers our prayers. He sends us signs everywhere through nature, numbers, random people. We just gotta pay attention enough to receive the confirmations. 

I feel like the middle man interrupts our relationship with God. It can alter the original plans God had for you. Your lack of faith is the reason for your redirection. Imagine if plan A was the one but you started lacking faith in Him so you decided to go seek answers from another human being that has not walked your walk for answers lol. As much as people proclaim they see the future or do witchcraft, nothing beats God. No Man can replace Him. 

People tend to do all these rituals just because it’s the right thing to do or because they’ve been doing it forever. The funniest part about all this is that they do those rituals without faith. I always say that the most religious people lack the most faith. People think faith is just about believing in God but that’s just the beginning. You gotta believe He will make a way for everything even if you see no way out. 

One day my aunt and I were selling food for my mother at this soccer finale. Turns out she made so many chicken sandwiches but she could not sell them due to another booth already having them. She started stressing out so bad the energy of stress and worry just started consuming her and the booth. She started even stressing out her kids, me etc. I finally said nah hold up I’m not about to take on your energy so i flipped the whole situation around. I said you know what just because we were told we won’t be able to sell them doesn’t mean it won’t happen. I know God will make a way. I even pointed it out to her that I was surprised by her lack of faith. I am surprised she would preach 24/7 on facebook but that faith does not translate to real life. Anywho fast forward to that night we sold everything and the extras. 

That day made me realise that my faith in God is very strong. You don’t need to constantly talk about Him to show your faith. Your faith can be shown through the actions that we take. You know what I took in, a lot of people were derailed from their path because they listened to a prophet or their parents. So many people had gifts in music, sports, acting, dancing etc but the church wanted them to become a pastor or a prophet which makes no sense because the word of God can be spread through the world without you needing a title of that sort. You can literally play soccer and because of the way you act people will start wanting to know God. But idk people are weird. Also the people that really listen to these prophets are weird af. Especially if you have not consulted God prior or after the revelation. You are putting your faith in the hands of another human being that poops and pees just like you. Anyway I just want people to really start building their own personal relationship with God.