I hate vampires with a passion. I’m starting to think vampires aren’t actually real but they are constantly draining humans. People that drain you, take from your energy, i believe those people are vampires. They make themselves victim while continuously taking from you energetically, physically and emotionally.
I cut ties with some but one came back and made me remember why I cut their ass out to begin with. People are so good at making themselves victims and taking others’ energy when they need it. But see the thing with vampires is that they need human blood to operate if not they’re completely weak. This man summed it up nicely he said :
“Do you know what vampires are? They’re consciousness drinkers. They drink spirit in the form of blood. They use that consciousness to be more conscious of the evil deeds they do. Which brings the question which original consciousness is piloting the body of this vampire?”
Those people constantly need your spirit to fill full. That’s why every time you leave their presence you feel drained cause all they do is take and take from you.
I’m staying away from drainers. I’m not feeling bad because you require another human being to fill yourself up. I fill myself up and I work hard to do so. You’re not gonna take what I worked hard for and use it for your own selfish gains. I’m full of life and happy with the decisions I’ve made, good or bad. I’m not letting someone make me feel bad about their poor decisions making ever again.